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Skin tips & advice at your fingertips

Have you ever heard of the 2 types of ageing? If not, let me share more with you so that you have a better understanding of how our skin ages and what we can do to keep our skin looking as youthful as possible. The 2 types of ageing are called intrinsic ageing and extrinsic […]

Control The Way Your Skin Ages

left side shows youthful skin, right side of photo shows aged skin

Best suited for: acne, anti-ageing, skin rejuvenation, wound healing, prior to skin needling, post advanced/surgical treatments. LED light therapy utilises different wavelengths of light to penetrate different depths into the skin, creating different cellular responses. The cells within the skin convert this light energy into fuel, similar to photosynthesis in plants. These cells then work […]

How does LED light therapy work?