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Skin tips & advice at your fingertips

Omega 3 is a type of fat that is essential for brain, eye, heart, joint & skin health. It is not produced by the body, which means that it must be consumed in our diet or added in as a supplement. There are 3 subcategories of Omega 3: EPA, DHA and ALA. EPA & DHA […]

Why do I need Omega 3?

Omega 3 supplement

Keratosis Pilaris, sometimes known as ‘chicken skin’, is a condition that commonly appears on the upper arms. Visually, this presents as small bumps, covering an area of skin. Whilst the arms are the most common area, many people also experience this on the thighs, buttocks and face. This is a condition that usually starts to […]

What is Keratosis pilaris?

Getting your skin ready for your wedding doesn’t have to be as daunting as it sounds! When it comes to a timeline for skin prep, this totally depends on your skin goals and where your skin is at to begin with. As a guide, the ideal timeframe to start prepping your skin for your wedding […]

How To Prep Your Skin For Your Wedding

The aesthetics industry in Australia is a huge & growing industry. With so many salons & clinics performing skin needling in Sydney, it can be overwhelming to pick the right one. So how can you choose the right person to look after your skin? Here are some simple tips to help identify the right therapist/clinician […]

Choosing The Right Clinic For Your Skin Needling

This may seem controversial, but no I do not recommend skin needling & LED treatments together in most cases. Why? Because when we perform a needling treatment on the skin this creates an inflammatory response, and as weird as it sounds, we actually want this inflammation to hang around in the skin. This is because […]

Skin Needling & LED Together?

Have you ever heard of the 2 types of ageing? If not, let me share more with you so that you have a better understanding of how our skin ages and what we can do to keep our skin looking as youthful as possible. The 2 types of ageing are called intrinsic ageing and extrinsic […]

Control The Way Your Skin Ages


Have you ever felt embarrassed about pimples popping up on your back? Maybe you wanted to wear a backless top but felt you couldn’t because you were suffering from back acne or scarring.. Back acne can be a real pain, but rest assured there are things you can do to help reduce or clear up […]

How To Tackle Back Acne

Let’s be honest, we’re all guilty of popping an occasional pimple – or maybe it’s more like on the daily 🤫 The problem with pimple popping is that when not done correctly the bacteria kept within your breakouts can spread. This is when you start to get some not so friendly clusters of pimples popping […]

Acne? When To Pop Your Pimples

To paint a bit of a picture for you before delving deeper, the skin is covered in hair follicles – this is where our hair comes out of onto our skin. Within these hair follicles (underneath our skin) is where our sebaceous glands sit, and where the oil on our skin comes from. This travels […]

How Your Diet Can Cause Hormonal Acne

A Dermal Clinician is someone who has undertaken a Bachelor Degree of Applied Health Sciences in Clinical Aesthetics or Dermal Science. Dermal clinicians bridge the gap between beauty therapists/dermal therapists and dermatologists. The Bachelor Degree is a 3-4 year full time degree that covers the anatomy and physiology of the entire body, in depth science […]

What is a Dermal Clinician?